Bits and pieces

Reflecting on the South American adventure

SO my big South American adventure sadly came to an end.

Having been back home a week now, it hardly feels like I ever left.

The photos on my camera, stamps on my passport and the tan lines are all I have to remind me of the great places I saw and the new friends I made over the last two months.

I know it sounds cheesy but going to South America was the best thing I have ever done. Now I have the problem of wanting to see more of the world and am already planning when I will take my next trip.
Since I’ve been back I’ve had no end of people asking me what it was like and how it feels to be back. And I find myself reeling off the same words – “incredible, amazing experience, beautiful.” And “It feels weird and sad to be back.”

But the reality is, that no words could fully describe how wonderful the last two months were for me.
Not just a refreshing break, it was jam packed with activities and new, exciting places, and was a holiday of many firsts – first time fishing, snorkelling, playing a round of golf, canoeing and trekking. Even taking the plunge to travel alone was a big step.

So you’d think I’d be satisfied now that I’d achieved a huge amount with the trip, I had got it out my system and I’d be done with travelling for a while. But no. I think it has just fuelled my hunger for more.

Where I go next and when I’ll go, who knows. (I need to work for a while now to save up money again) But I know that it will happen again one day.

And anyway now the South American adventure is over, I need to crack on with the next thing on my Things to do Before I’m 30 list. I’ve got a half marathon to train for!!

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