
I’m not going to sit around and wait…..will you?

The route

To some people my South America trip doesn’t seem like such a massive deal. People take gap years or career breaks all the time and they go for six months or longer.

But while I am only going for two months this trip is a huge step for me. It is a leap towards doing the things I have always wanted to do, doing something on my own and making the most of life. It is about taking control of what I want and basically being very selfish.

Last year was a strange one. It came and went without me feeling like I had done much with it. I didn’t feel like I had used the year to its full potential, and before I knew it, 2011 was fast approaching.

Having been inspired by friends leaving and doing their own travelling, losing family members and realising I wasn’t getting any younger (or closer to finding Mr Right) – I decided now was the right time to make the move and start doing the things that I wanted to do.

This all sounds so depressing but honestly, it’s not. I see it as a positive reaction to getting what I want from life. The last thing I want is to look back in 10 years time and regret not completing everything on my Things to do Before I’m 30 list.

Since I started telling people about the trip I have had no end of people saying I should get married or meet someone first and then go……which is just a stupid suggestion! Others have said I shouldn’t go alone and some think I’m being stupid and selfish. Regardless of all their opinions, I have made my decision and I’m going in just under three weeks! And to be honest as a single, twenty-something who is fed up of waiting around for other people to sort themselves out….why shouldn’t I go now?!

In my opinion everyone should do something each day that makes them smile. Whether it is  organising your next holiday, indulging in your favourite food or just going for a walk on a sunny day – don’t hold back!

Go for a walk with a loved one

I have tried to avoid using all the clichés we hear all the time but we really do only get one shot at this life.  So get that pen and paper and start making a list of everything your heart desires (however big or small) and work your way through it.

Go on  – you won’t regret it!

3 thoughts on “I’m not going to sit around and wait…..will you?

  1. this was a beautiful blog dish. So inspirational, it even brought a tear to my eye
    many people may have doubts and issues about this trip but as a younger sister I see it as and amazing thing that only a brave person would be able to do. well that is as long as you bring me back something nice 🙂

  2. Wow. This was a bit of a heartfelt one wasn’t it. Unfortunately it didn’t quite bring me to tears but it definitely got a bit of a lump in my throat. And I agree with Sarj – so many people have a negative opinion on you going on this trip but so many more people think what you’re doing is amazing (including me). But in stubborn Shoker style you’ve ignored what people have said and I admire you for that.

    Aside from how worried we’re all going to be while you’re gone, I’m sure you’ll be just fine and will have an amazing time (with DiCanio, can I add – you’re not going completely alone) and have lots of “lifetime experiences” to tell us about when you get back! x

  3. Go for it Sandish! Solo travelling around South Africa was the best thing I have ever done and remains the happiest experience to date. I met so many different people, many who I would never have crossed paths with back home, and it will surprise you just how many are doing it alone too. Who cares about finding Mr Right? Bring on the hot Mr Right Nows (yes plural) you’ll no doubt meet over the eight weeks in the sexy South American continent. (Debbie’s jealousy rate right now? 95%)

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